No doubt your email inbox has been inundated over the past several days with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday deals, all encouraging you to buy stuff. You may also have received many emails today, Giving Tuesday, from charitable organizations asking you for monetary donations. Which, if you have the means to do so, is a great way to celebrate the spirit of giving by supporting the great work that non-profits are doing around the world. But, what if you don't have the funds to spare this holiday season? Today, I encourage you to consider your unique gifts, and how you can leverage them in a way to support others. The holidays can be a stressful time, and people in your community may need your help. Here are some ideas to spark your creativity.
Maybe you have a great sense of humor. Is there someone in your life who could use a pick-me-up right now? Give them a call today and share some laughs with them to brighten their day.
Perhaps you're a fabulous cook. Is there someone in your neighborhood who lives alone who may appreciate if you dropped off a delicious meal for them?
Are you great with dogs? The family next door who rarely has time to walk their dog might appreciate your offer to take their dog along on your next jog or hike.
Pull out a journal or piece of paper and jot down any thoughts that arise of how you can shine your light this holiday season. Happy giving!