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Summer is Here!

It feels like summer here in Evergreen. I've moved my office outside and my "coworkers" are happy to spend the mornings on the deck with me.

This Thursday is the summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. I'll be teaching paddle board yoga that morning and then heading to Wellington Lake to camp for the night. We love Wellington because our campsite is right on the water, there are hiking trails, and we can paddle on the lake at sunset and sunrise, enjoying the beautiful and peaceful surroundings. 

A lot is happening this week between the longest day of the year, Juneteenth on Wednesday (when I'll be teaching a free community yoga class at the Conifer Peace Park), and International Day of Yoga on Friday. John and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary on Saturday. 

I'm also celebrating the completion of my 14-day Love My Mind & Body reboot that I started on June 3. I intended to do the following:

  • Move at least 30 minutes every day (preferably outside, but this can include swimming, weight training, and yoga)

  • Fill my plate with whole, plant-based foods and avoid processed foods, added sugar, alcohol, and refined grain products (like pasta, white bread, and white rice)

  • Do one 36-hour fast each week for the first two weeks of June

  • Say something nice about my body every morning when I get up

  • Acknowledge one thing I accomplished that day before going to bed each evening 

I forgot about saying something nice about my body each morning so I'll give that a go for the next two weeks. I moved daily, including strength training, paddle boarding, yoga, swimming, biking, and walks and hikes with the dogs.

My food goals turned out so-so. Both 36-hour fasts went well. I did eat white rice and bread a couple of times because I hadn't done a good job at meal planning before I started. I went out to dinner at a place with a fixed menu on Sunday, June 9, and couldn't resist eating the yummy bread and pasta and having some white wine. I decided it was okay to take one day off. 

I enjoyed acknowledging something I accomplished that day each night, especially since I have a lot of tasks to keep track of right now while going through the process of independently publishing my first book. I'll continue those nightly acknowledgments going forward.

Overall, I'd call my reboot a success. I lost four pounds and at least an inch each off of both my waist and hips. I've had a mental boost due to the progress in my recovery from the partial knee replacement in March, and I've had an increase in my energy levels.

I wish you a wonderful start to summer. As you're out and about enjoying the longer days, stay hydrated, protect your skin from the sun, and eat cooling foods. Take time to slow down and do things that bring you joy! I'll be seeking out a water slide.

Join me for Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga at Evergreen Lake on Thursdays and at Bear Creek Lake Park on Sundays this summer. Sign up in advance for Thursday through Evergreen Park and Recreation here or for Sunday through Rocky Mountain Paddle Board here.

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