Happy first day of Summer!
With the extra sunshine of Summer comes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you've ever considered going vegan (or even just adding more veggies to your diet), now is a great time to try it!
While more and more people are becoming familiar with the term vegan, for many the concept may still be foreign. To put it simply, a vegan diet is void of meat, eggs, milk, honey or any food that is derived from animals. This way of eating is also referred to as plant-based.
The vegan diet can be traced back to ancient Indian and eastern Mediterranean societies - as far back as 500 BCE! Even though you may not have been raised in a meat-free family, across the globe many are thriving without a single animal product in their diet.
The vegan way of living is catching on, and for good reason! Whether you’re looking for a healthier lifestyle, want to reduce your footprint on the planet, or simply can no longer support our current food system, now is the perfect opportunity to explore veganism.

For some, the decision to remove animal products from the diet is immediate, yet, for others, it’s a transition. There’s no wrong way to eliminate animal products from your diet. It’s all about following your own comfort level.
Whatever works for you is the way you should go. By simply cutting back on animal product intake you’ll still reap a number of health benefits. A vegan diet can reduce your risk of a number of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and diabetes.
For anyone feeling intimidated by the idea of a vegan diet, eliminate the pressure by committing to a 30-day trial. Week after week you’ll find the diet easier to follow, and you’ll most likely experience positive benefits which will strengthen your resolve to continue.
Get support by joining Firefly's Whole Foods for Whole Health Group Coaching Program that starts tomorrow! The Group Program hosted via Zoom runs for four weeks (no session on July 6), and will help you incorporate more whole, plant-based foods into your diet. Apply here.
Making changes can be intimidating. Make it easier with a friend! By applying with a friend, you each receive $25 off the program. Simply include your friend's name in the comments for the question "Is there anything else you'd like to share or anything you'd like me to know?"